Wednesday, April 22, 2015

What Goes Into Each Eruptide Podcast Episode?

It all starts with a DVR (digital voice recorder) and my incredible voice projected forth.

Next stage is either file labeling if I was all over the map in topics and intention of each audio file creation, or a much easier to deal with sequence of MP3 files are placed into a free audio editing program.

Each file is brought into a larger project after having noise removal filters and possibly effects added in the process.

Then when the entire podcast is ready in audio form another noise removal is performed at a higher frequency smoothing rate followed by normalizing the left and right channels for stereo.

The audio portion of the podcast is produced at this stage and goes into a final cut folder.

Next is using my free video editing software, which takes a great deal of time if I don't have the slideshow images intended for the podcast or depending on the length of the podcast itself.

If at this stage it's decided that it will not be a slideshow but a constant static image this takes very little time but otherwise this is where production drags out the most for me.

Once the video editing and audio editing are both finalized the final video file is created.

Then, at long last, the podcast episode is uploaded to YouTube for your viewing pleasure.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Welc0me 2 tHe Lightborn UnderGround

Dat Blue Avatar

You found it.

Here the Eruptide Podcasts via YouTube are.

Intro is editing is editing the intro to my life and inside the issues of our times.

E. Lightborn, or Eruptide, or Eric Lightborn Blogs, or Twitter.